Help Manuals - Fortune3 Shopping Cart.
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My Products

"My Products" Tree:

The FORTUNE3 E-Commerce & Shopping Cart Wizard software features a visual product tree that starts with a main icon labeled "My Products". Your online store's ease of use and navigation will depend on how you organize your product catalog through categories. You can incorporate all of your Categories, Products, Products with Options, Options, Cross-Selling, Questions, and Gift Certificates through specific icons on the tree. Each icon in the tree represents a type of item in your store, and is accompanied with a Properties window that defines the options and fields for each icon. To access the fields and settings of any item in your Tree, Right-Click on the item and click on "Properties". The corresponding Properties window will open with all possible fields and settings for the type of item that was selected.

Since any category can be placed inside another category (in different layers or sub-categories), you will be able to build your online store by placing each product in the right location and maximize your shopping cart's usability and sales. You can categorize your online store by index (like a printed catalog), location (similarly to the isles and shelves of a department store), type, brand, size, color, etc.; or by combining them as needed in your E-Commerce web site.

By right clicking on any of the icons on the product tree, a menu will open offering you various options. You can also move any icon from one place to another or use the Cut, Copy and Paste options, as well as with Drag and Drop through your mouse. There are also buttons on the bottom of the tree labeled "Move Up" "Move Down" "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" that will organize your items in your preferred order. You can click on the plus sign (+) to the left of each icon to expand it (show everything inside of it) or the minus sign (-) to compact it (hide anything inside it to save space).

Table of Contents | Previous: Checkout Options | Next: Adding Categories - The First Step